A female Chinese-Malaysian. Nothing much, just a simple person like you others out there.

<< current

Men just want a mother figure who'll spoil them. Women become intoxicated with the comfort that situation provides. Just two lonely people making a couple.

Monday, March 22, 2004  
my relationship ended on a sunday. suppose to be a rest day......but then i don't know what happen....some more on the F1 race day n polling day somemore.....sighs.....this year is a bad bad year for me......

anyways...i hope there's something better coming along my way....always does....n it didn't really fail me.

talk to mom about getting a car.......so i have to work hard.....n pay the bank loan ler.....i wanna get a kelisa!! happy for a change. well at least the break off put me on a drive to work something out, something better for my life.

wondering why i have been hanging around jay for a year....i just realised today....that i have plenty of friends around me. like yesternite suddenly out of the blue...saw chiat online...he still wanna ask me out for a date ^_^ n when i'm down paul's back here for a month off his sailing. i'm surrounded with friends, when something bad happen to me. and i get to know new friends like alex choong (dex's friend), andy tan from singapore (py's friend), and he likes my voice.....heheh oh my god!! ahahah he don't even know me in person... hahaha

my 2nd uncle passed away beginning of this month. just suddenly out of the blue. i just wish everything will be fine....but hell there's a lot of things to think about. anyway peace out......need to work 2morrow.......another hectic day!

8:22 AM

Friday, August 08, 2003  
Heyo!! It's been a long time since my last post. Alrite updates....I'm now in my final semester. My 5th semester result sucks.....have to buck up yar.

Personal life as usual n extras...ahahaha....got involve with a person, Jay. Nothing serious thou....just someone to turn to when needed.

1:03 AM

Saturday, March 08, 2003  
Ta Da Da!

I've joined Nu Skin. I'm bloody tired. Waiting for Abdul to fecth. Monday exam

6:23 AM

Tuesday, February 25, 2003  
Nu Skin

Went to Jln Ampang with Seng Hau to the NS seminar. Met hoyoyi and andrew there. The seminar is cool. Good business prospect. Want to join, but now since I don't have a lot of money with me. It's kinda tough for me ler. Ai sei ler like that.

Everything is just stupidly dunno what.

11:34 AM

Saturday, February 22, 2003  
It Was A Dream..

It is hard to get involve in a relationship. Why do I always get played? It hurts alot, but how am I suppose to take out the anger? It is not nice to break out my anger infront of other people. Not nice at all. It is no one's fault, practically just mine. Who can accept me truely, sincerely and genuinely? Too much to ask from someone.

May be I am to be single in my whole life. It is hard to tell someone 'I like you', to me it is even harder to get near someone I liked. I have alot of male friends, but only to the extends of normal friends. Never thought of anything beyond that.

Life is like a joke to me. Or am I a joke in this life? At least I am here to make a few people merrier.

11:24 AM

Wednesday, February 19, 2003  
Is This True?

Someone really likes me. Or am I dreaming? told me last nite. Couldn't believe it.

How could anyone falls for me? He just knows me for 2 days. I don't even know him way back then. Is he for real or just trying out a new thing in his life that he haven't experience it before. Just randomly picking up a girl for a trial n error. Great...I am in for a joke, rite??

He's nice, somewhat cute in his personalities. I didn't know his life in depth.

Okies off to bed now. Or I am going to miss my class again!

9:35 AM

Sunday, January 12, 2003  
Insight Agent

Finally, I'm an agent for Insight Beauty Academy. I'd attended the course today, damn exhausting, the course lasted for 7 hours.

My final year started, lots of ppl in my class. 42 ppl, that's a crowd.

8:15 AM

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